Your carbon footprint

What is my carbon footprint ?

See your impact on the environment

Your carbon footprint is a measure to help show the impact on the environment of everyday activities and lifestyle choices, and is often expressed as carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent.

Reducing your footprint could save you money as well as helping the planet.  It’s easy to make a start with our Carbon Footprint Tracker.

Understand your carbon footprint

How is my carbon footprint calculated?

Your carbon footprint is calculated by working out the total greenhouse gasses released as we go about our everyday lives.

It is often expressed as kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) to help show the impact that we create on the environment. CO2e includes carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

From the type of car you drive to the construction materials of your new wardrobe – it all leaves a footprint. 

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How can I see my carbon footprint?

The simplest way to see your impact on the environment is by using a carbon footprint calculator. It could help you understand how much carbon you are creating.

Once you have a starting point, you can then look at what you could change to help reduce it.

From energy saving light bulbs, walking instead of driving or installing solar panels - there are options for every budget.

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How can I reduce my carbon footprint?

Getting started is the hardest part. But once you begin making sustainable choices, you’ll find new ways to live a more sustainable life. And you could save money too.

For more ideas, take a look at our guides to see how to offset your carbon footprint with tips to help you reduce your carbon footprint at home.

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See your carbon footprint

With our app, we'll show you an estimate of your carbon footprint and give you tips and ideas that could help you reduce it.

Carbon Footprint Tracker is within the Spending feature in our app, provided in partnership with Cogo. Spending available to customers aged 16+ who have a Personal or Premier account with us. App criteria apply.

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Looking for ways to live more sustainably?

Take a look at the everyday habits you could adopt to reduce the carbon in your life by reducing, reusing and recycling more. 

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Reduce your carbon footprint

Everyday ideas to reduce, reuse and recycle

While it’s easy to point to our homes or travelling as potentially the largest contributors to our carbon footprints, our smaller everyday choices could also have an impact.

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