You could use the loan calculator to estimate how much you could borrow, your representative interest rates and monthly payments, with no impact on your credit score.
To apply for a loan online, you must be 18+ and a UK resident. Had a current account with us for 3+ months? You could borrow up to £50,000. Otherwise, if you don't have a current account, you could borrow up to £35,000.
Calculate now with no impact on your credit score
Representative Example
60 Months
Monthly repayment
Total repayment
(Annual Percentage Rate)
Interest rate
% p.a.
The rate you pay depends on your circumstances and loan amount and may differ from the Representative APR. We will never offer you a rate exceeding 29.9% p.a. (fixed), regardless of loan size. This means you're not guaranteed to get the rate you see in the calculator.