Rates, currencies and certain financing products are provided by NatWest Markets Plc and its subsidiaries. For more information please visit our ring-fencing page.

Optimise your FX execution
FX liquidity is constantly changing along with market dynamics. In an effort to optimise FX execution and enhance spread capture, we see our clients increasingly turning to algorithmic strategies. NatWest’s Algo suite allows you to execute your FX transactions while maintaining anonymity and limiting market impact.

Become part of the NatWest Markets price through our Client Order Matching System
At the heart of our Algo Suite is our Client Order Matching System (COMS). It offers the unique ability to become part of NatWest Markets’ price and match-off against other clients’ flows, while capturing spread and trading with us.
Our COMS system provides comprehensive pre and post-trade analysis to help optimise your execution. As an Algo Suite user, you can choose between different execution strategies.
Passive strategies
(Peg clipper)
Execute an order by placing successive ‘pegged’ clips into COMS (and other available liquidity pools), to reduce market impact and capture the spread. Liquidity pools can be amended in real-time and depending on the urgency of execution.
Time based strategies
(Peg TWAP)
Strategies can be set dependent on specific time frames, for guaranteed execution with minimal market impact.
Next generation adaptive strategies
(Adaptive peg clipper)
Dynamically adjust execution depending on market condition. When the market is moving in favour of or away from an order, the adaptive strategy will automatically execute the order to the most favourable selection.
Aggressive algo strategies
(Limit Pro)
For orders that need to be completed quickly, the strategy can be set to seek available liquidity from a multitude of external sources and be pegged to the reference offer price if buying or selling.
Contact us
Regional contact numbers:
NWM London FX Sales Desk: +44 207 678 1873
NWM US FX Sales Desk: +1 203 897 6407
NWM Singapore FX Sales Desk: +65 6768 8836