We have provided financial institutions with access to primary capital markets, supporting them in requalifying their lending portfolio from brown to green and we’ve also played a key social role during the pandemic.
For example, we have brought together Italian investors and European issuers across +150 virtual meetings in 2021, with the main focus, undoubtedly, being sustainability. This has allowed NatWest Markets to be one of the main players in the Italian ESG debt capital markets (DCM) space with banking, sovereigns and supranational mandates from Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, BPER Banca, Banco BPM, Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ferrovie Italiane and, of course, The Republic of Italy.
Our effort has not only been on the debt side. Our foreign exchange (FX) team have created and executed an innovative sustainability-linked FX derivative agreement for Enel, a multinational company global leader in the energy sector and a key customer of the NatWest Group.
We also received interest for ‘green’ private placements (structured and plain) from Italian financial institutions and we printed a private placement of EUROFIMA Green Program with a public official which is increasing its green investments share.