Looking at the number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), on average the reviewed frameworks included two KPIs. This is arguably more in line with bond market practice, where using one or two KPIs is the norm, with loan transactions often based on three or more KPIs. It could suggest that not all loan KPIs have been included in the framework. This would perhaps not be surprising: Sustainability Linked Loans (SLL) are generally executed with relationship banks and hence there is often a greater understanding and ability to include KPIs that are more tailored to the borrower and outside of market precedents.
In terms of target tenor, nearly half of the frameworks researched included two targets: one within 5-7 years and a second longer-term target of around 9 years (typically 2030). Such longer-dated targets typically lend themselves better to bonds than to SLLs, noting the shorter tenor of these instruments (typically 3-5 years).
Instead, SLLs include annualised targets throughout the term of the facility which also supports the application of the sustainability discount / premium to the margin. However, only three of the frameworks reviewed included annualised targets [3].
In terms of instrument mechanics (such as the coupon or margin adjustment), framework disclosure is limited across both the bond and loan application. In a majority of frameworks, such information is broadly worded, with the detail around both bond and loan mechanics referenced as “in the relevant transaction documentation”.