
ESG Horizons: ESG inspiration from NatWest customers

Our new ESG Horizons podcast series puts a spotlight on our customers and their sustainability projects.

Listen to the podcasts

Dutch Transmission System Operator TenneT’s 2GW programme

The 2GW programme will involve TenneT building six 2GW offshore grid connections – three each in Germany and the Netherlands – by 2030. Due to its new innovative design, in particular its holistic transnational approach that fosters harmonisation across all levels, the 2GW Programme offers higher transmission capacity and therefore more energy, while reducing resource intensity and the impact on the environment. 

Listen to ESG Horizons: TenneT and the 2GW Program

Financial services firm Hitachi Capital (UK)’s clean transportation programme in partnership with GRIDSERVE

The clean transportation programme aims to revolutionise the UK’s approach to solar energy and create the infrastructure to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) by building more than 100 Electric Forecourts® across the UK over the next five years; delivering fast, ultra-convenient and reliable charging for EVs. Hitachi Capital (UK) also encompasses the UK’s first net-zero electric vehicle leasing business, which is designed to bring the cost of driving electric vehicles powered by net-zero carbon energy well below that of petrol or diesel cars, and simultaneously minimise the environmental impact of EVs.

Listen to ESG Horizons: Hitachi Capital (UK) driving the transition to clean transportation

Spanish utility company Iberdrola’s Puertollano Green Hydrogen Plant

The Puertollano Plant will be the largest industrial Green Hydrogen Plant in Europe, it will consist of a 100 MW photovoltaic solar plant, a lithium-ion battery system with a storage capacity of 20 MWh and one of the largest electrolytic hydrogen production systems in the world (20 MW), all from 100% renewable sources.

Listen to ESG Horizons: Iberdrola and the Puertollano Green Hydrogen Project

Our thoughts on the series

Dr Arthur Krebbers, NatWest’s Head of Corporate Climate and ESG Capital Markets, comments: “Listening to our customers really makes clear that the current momentum of collaboration, creativity and scientific innovation to tackle climate change can make a real difference.”

Whilst, Pietro Stimamiglio, Corporate Financing & Risk Solutions, Sustainable Finance at NatWest adds, “It is very energising to hear from our customers how they are creating real value for society and for their business through innovative projects and programmes on their journey to net-zero.”

We will be looking to release new episodes every other month throughout 2022, so do subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channels, if you haven’t already.

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