Student arranged overdraft

Interest free overdraft while you study

Student arranged overdrafts are available to NatWest Student current account customers, aged 18 or over, who've lived in the UK 3+ years. Subject to lending criteria.

What you'll get with an overdraft from NatWest

An arranged overdraft allows you to go overdrawn up to an agreed limit. So, if you’re short of cash, an arranged overdraft could help to cover an unplanned expense. Think of it as a short-term safety net.

Interest-free up to £2,000

Interest-free arranged overdraft up to £2,000 (£500 in your first term). 

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Interest-free up to £3,250 from year 3

Students can apply for up to £3,250 interest-free from year three onwards.

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Applying is really quick

Applying through Online Banking takes around 5 minutes.

Get an instant decision if you bank online with us.

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Fast access to funds

If your overdraft is approved, it'll normally be available the next working day, but there are some to be aware of.

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Features and benefits

Before you apply

Overdrafts explained

First things first. There are 2 types of overdrafts – arranged and unarranged. Both types will cost you money in interest when you use them. It’s important you know the difference, so we’ll cover it off here.

Student arranged overdraft

When you're about to enter the world of work, your day to day expenses could change. That's where our Student overdraft could help.

Unarranged overdrafts

An unarranged overdraft is when you spend more money than you have in your account without already having an arranged overdraft in place, or when you exceed your current arranged overdraft limit.

If you're accepted

Find out how much interest you're likely to pay

Our cost checker tool allows you to see how much interest you’re likely to pay based on how much you plan to borrow, and how regularly you want to use it.

Get ready to apply

You can apply for an overdraft if you:

  • Are aged 18+ and living in the UK.
  • Have not been declared bankrupt in the last 6 years.

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