Making and Accepting Payments

What you need to know about payments

You could be making savings by taking card payments with us

Taking card payments with Tyl by NatWest could save 8/10 customers money on their payment fees*

*Savings based on customers looking to switch from various providers to Tyl between Jan 2024 and December 2024. Your existing provider may charge an exit fee. Average savings not inclusive of introductory offers or any exit fees you may have been charged. Additional fees may apply for data usage or app downloads. Tyl eligibility criteria, terms, conditions and fees apply.

Ways to pay

Whether you're making or accepting a payment electronically, by credit card, cash or cheque, find out how to do it quickly and securely.

Credit card payments

Settle your account

There are many ways that you can settle your credit card account or make additional payments to free up card balance.

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Electronic payments

Make & accept payments

Make and accept payments quickly and securely using our UK and International payment solutions.


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Issue or pay in

Whether you want to issue or pay in cheques – small amounts or large – we have a host of services to suit your business.

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Managing Cash

Withdrawing or Paying in

Whether you want to pay in via cash or cheque, or withdraw cash in any amount we have a host of services to suit your business needs.

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The fast, fair, simple and safe way to pay & get paid

*Payit™ provides you with a new way to collect and send payments online, using Open Banking technology.

Payment Security

Your business works hard for its income, help to protect your bank account, suppliers and customers. Keep fraudsters away from your funds. 

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Confirmation of Payee

Confirmation of Payee is a way of giving you greater confidence that you are sending your payment to the intended recipient.

It is, in essence, an ‘account name checking service’ that can help avoid payments being misdirected due to errors or fraud.

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Autopay Online

Autopay Online is our new digital channel for Bacs Direct Credit payments, allowing you to process and authorise your payments with ease.

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Autopay Online Plus

Autopay Online Plus is a cloud-based payment solution that enables you to collect Direct Debit payments and make Direct Credit payments.

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NatWest Payment Solutions

See our range of payment solutions with a focus on innovation anchored in supporting evolving customer needs.

Digital payments solutions

Working at scale

Forward thinking payments

The changing payments market


*ClearSpend is a UK banking industry first, it's our free web and mobile app that gives you complete control of your Commercial Card account in real-time and lets your employees check their balance on the go.

It's the smarter way to control your business spend. 

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