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How it works
Try the quick calculators for electric vehicles and solar
Enter a few basic details to get an instant estimate of how much cost and CO₂ you could save.
Use the advanced tools to get detailed transition plans
Access free fleet telematics analysis, driver education tools, and a comprehensive remote solar survey.
Explore how we could help your business put plans into action
Speak with our partners and our colleagues to discuss insights and discover how NatWest could support you.
The Sustainability Solutions Platform (the “Platform”) is a platform built and maintained by Diode Group Limited (“Diode”) for NatWest Group (‘NatWest’). NatWest own the www.sustainability-solutions.co.uk domain and the relationship with all third parties with which users may engage through the Platform. You will be on a NatWest journey through the Platform that will have started with NatWest in conversation with a relationship manager, a link on NatWest.com or from NatWest marketing material.
NatWest Group provides no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the quality or fitness for purpose of any of the products or services accessed through the Platform. NatWest Group shall not be responsible for, nor do or shall they accept any liability for the products or services provided to you by third parties or on behalf of them to you.
Switch to a Renewable Business Tariff
Could the Octopus Business Tariff help you control your costs?
We've partnered with Octopus to provide you with a renewable tariff. Receive £100 credit and a smart meter as part of the initiative.
Reduce costs with Voltage Optimisation (VO)
Check whether the technology could help you save
Our partner Emissis manufactures and installs Voltage Optimisation (VO) technology. This could help businesses reduce costs and emissions. Find out more about how it works and get a free site survey from Emissis, who guarantee any potential voltage reduction specified in your energy savings quote. You’ll also get a 10% discount on VO hardware.
Learn about retrofitting
Explore how upgrading your buildings could help you cut costs.
Retrofitting could help you save on costs and potentially reduce the risk of your buildings depreciating in value as a result of climate risks and regulations. Try out the free retrofit learning programme from the Supply Chain Sustainability School (sponsored by NatWest Group) to help you understand what steps you could take. Learn from e-learning modules, online assessments, workshops, webinars, and more.
Emissis T&Cs apply. Saving guarantees are provided by Emissis after a site survey and are not backed by NatWest Group. Energy savings and CO2 data provided by Emissis, November 2023.
Octopus Business Tariff: Eligibility criteria apply. The Business Tariff is for existing banked customers that are Limited Companies or Partnerships. It's not open to sole traders or existing Octopus Energy customers. It's subject to application, and customers signing up to Octopus terms and conditions.
Asset Finance is provided through NatWest’s subsidiary Lombard and is available to over 18s. Security may be required. Fees may apply. Available to UK customers for business purposes only. Subject to status, eligibility and approval. Finance provided by Lombard North Central PLC. Registered in England & Wales No.337004. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. Lombard North Central Plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit activities.
Edinburgh Climate Change Institute videos
Energy support: How can we help?
Alison Wood (Programme Manager, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute) and our very own Relationship Manager, Callum Ferguson discuss how our package of free energy support tools could help businesses save money and become more energy efficient.
Tips to reduce your energy spend
Alison Wood (Programme Manager, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute) gives 3 top tips that could help you save money on your energy bills.
Energy resources
Climate goal support
We’re here to help with your green initiatives and climate goals. Find out more about climate support for businesses with us below.
Reduce energy bills
Read our tips on how you could save money and make your business more energy-efficient.
Carbon Planner
Use our free tool to measure your carbon footprint, identify potential cost savings and get a tailored plan to start reducing your emissions.
Sustainability insights
Visit our Business Insights hub for the latest news on climate change, sustainable finance or even market insight.