Simplify your supplier payments with enhanced controls, increased security and better data


NatWest Virtual Pay

Virtual accounts. Real control.

Revolutionise corporate purchasing with enhanced controls, increased efficiencies and better reporting. NatWest Virtual Pay, formally known as Approval2Buy™, is a powerful solution to help streamline payments by enabling users to create and manage unique, dynamically generated virtual account numbers in order to make payments to their suppliers for goods and services.

NatWest Virtual Pay in detail...


Transaction-level control

Every transaction is assigned authorisation controls.

Workflow control

Approval routing for transactions follow existing approval process.

Automated reconciliation

VCN data available for reconciliation reporting.

Enhanced data

Information important to each individual payment can be incorporated into the transaction.

Virtual accounts

NatWest Virtual Pay

A powerful solution to help streamline B2B payments by enabling users to create and manage virtual account numbers to pay suppliers.

Virtual account numbers

Provides a customisable, configurable programme of controls for Program Administrators.

Configure and control

The most robust virtual card solution in the market. Flexible, simple and secure.

NatWest Virtual Pay Mobile

Use NatWest Virtual Pay Mobile to manage your business spend on the go.

Innovative, robust and secure

Get the advantage with our all-in-one solution

Many virtual cards use a “store-and-rotate” process where a group of card numbers are reserved and rotated over time.

NatWest Virtual Pay offers...

  • Patented technology to create unique VCN for each transaction
  • Card numbers never reused, avoiding issues with credits/refunds
    in the future
  • Ability to generate unique CVC number per each VCN needed for online payments
  • Handles global programs with cards issued in multiple countries
Information Message

  • Appends 29 fields to transactions for optimal reconciliation and cost allocation
  • Real-time controls of virtual cards
  • Fees charged by the processors for ‘storing’ card numbers
  • Long, successful track record of platform consistency and stability
Information Message

Access options designed to suit you and your employees

  • Users

Company employees can log in to NatWest Virtual Pay to request virtual card numbers, review their purchase requests and transactions.

  • Programme administrators

Company Programme Administrators can set up users and payment controls, manage and monitor the virtual card programme with a variety of reports available.

I want to apply

Call your Relationship Manager

  • You should have a direct number for them
  • You can discuss applying for a virtual card account with them
  • They can start the application for you and arrange to get the appropriate signatures
  • Business and Relationship Managers are available 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

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