Business management

Sharmadean Reid on gender equity in business

Sharmadean has been described as ‘an entrepreneurial powerhouse’

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The beauty of gender equity

The Stack.World is a ‘global community of thousands of mission driven women’.

In this episode, Sharmadean shares with Angellica that her life’s work is gender equity and what drove her to create a community to around that. She also talks about her naivety while starting a beauty business and her sometimes unique approach to traditional business methods.

Sharmadean’s Business Confession:

“I didn't know at the start of that day that I would make such a rookie error. But we let the credit card expire on the domain for our main website. It was renewing every year and then the credit card expired and nobody checked. And then we lost the domain to a company abroad who clearly had their eyes on it”.

But whenever there is a problem or a blunder or a ‘rookie mistake’ as I call them, I try and look for the upside or the silver lining”.

There was a lot I didn’t know early on. I do think pure passion and desire can at least give you that first bit of rocket fuel with which to propel yourself forward.

Sharmadean Reid
Founder of Wah Nails and The Stack.World

Sharmadean’s key piece of business advice

“My advice is about advice!

“Remember not all advice is equal. This is an essay I've written before. I don't mind unsolicited advice, but the next step for me is to pull apart that advice.

“To understand the experience, background biases and perspective of the person giving it and then use that information to create what you need from it.”

Watch the episode to find out more about Sharmadean’s inspirational business journey

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