BACS Payments

Online access to BACS

Collecting Direct Debit payments

Control cash flow

You control the timing of funds credited to your account - hassle free.

Save time and money

Payments are collected automatically from customers' accounts.

Maintain records

Computerised record-keeping makes it easy for you to monitor and control payments.

Increase efficiency

You'll be able to rapidly identify and take action in response to any problem payers.

Important information about Direct Debiting

Direct Debiting ensures a fast, efficient and accurate means of collecting payments to provide greater certainty and aid business planning.

Making Direct Credit payments

Control cash flow

You can make payments whenever you wish, up to 70 days in advance.

Save time and money

Removing paperwork, saves time. Removing cheques to prepare and sign, saves money.

Maintain good relationships

Employers and suppliers have the advantage of cleared funds paid directly into their accounts.

Important information about Direct Crediting

A reliable, efficient and secure way to make payments.

Your digital Bacs solutions

We offer a range of solutions to facilitate your Direct Debit collection and Direct Credit payments with our digital Bacs payment solutions.

Autopay Online

Access to BACS Direct Credits with no need for BACS sponsorship

  • Make 15 to 250 direct Credits per month 
  • Make BACS payments and view BACS reports online 
  • Add unlimited users and tailor their access
  • Make instant changes to payee details
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Autopay Online Plus

Access to BACS Direct Credits and Direct Debits for customers with a BACS Service User Number (SUN)

  • Make 250+ Direct Credits per month
  • Collect Direct Debits 
  • Make payments with no card, card reader of software installation required
  • Automate your workflow processes
  • Add unlimited users and tailor their access
  • Make instant changes to payee details
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Autopay Direct

Suitable for customer who wants to submit their Bacs payments unattended and seamlessly, either through Drive (a deployed software) or an API.

  • Create payment files, instructions and templates 
  • Review and update status notifications 
  • Access Bacs reports to easily highlight rejected payments and collections. 
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Integrated in Bankline Direct

An automated host-to-host solution, ideal for organisations looking to hyperautomate their processing across all payment types.

  • Ability to review Bacs reports without leaving your enterprise system  
  • Make payments with no need for web approval or manual intervention for simple file processing  
  • Collect Direct Debits and make Direct Credit payments  
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Useful info about our Digital Solutions

What is BACS?

BACS payments can be used to pay or receive money. BACS payments are subject to a three day processing cycle and are used by many businesses to process planned payments, or regular payments such as payroll.

BACS Direct Credits are used to pay suppliers, payroll and other listed payments. BACS Direct Debits are used to collect money from a payee.

Autopay Online and Autopay Online Plus cater for your BACS payment needs, allowing you to make and manage payments, and access BACS reports, all via the Autopay Online platforms.

Why use BACS?

There are number of reasons to use BACSs:

  • Cost effective solution for a high volume of transactions
  • Enables you to lock down file details and keeps sensitive information safe
  • Effective way to make bulk payments using Direct Credits
  • Enables the collection of Direct Debits (Autopay Online + only)

Anything else we can help with?

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