You recently joined Bankline’s product owner team. What are your impressions so far?
I’ve worked with Bankline in different customer support-related roles for more than eight years. As a product owner, I’m learning lots about the technology behind the scenes. I’m excited to share my experience to drive improvements that will benefit our customers.
What’s the one thing in Bankline you’re most keen to improve?
The payment summary and payment search areas. A design and research team are working on simplifying these screens, to make it easier to find and process payments.
I’m also keen to work through a great list of customer feedback with our developers.
Do you have a pet who keeps you company at work?
I certainly do! I have a golden Cocker Spaniel called Poppy. She’s known to voice her opinions in Zoom meetings and has to be banished downstairs. In the afternoons, she’s usually asleep under my desk.
If Bankline had a soundtrack, what would it be?
As a proud Mancunian I’ll pick a song from a Manchester band:
M People’s “Moving on up”, because of all the hard work going on behind the scenes.
What do you do to relax when you’re not improving Bankline?
My two little boys take up most of my spare time – two more Bankline experts in training 😊. I really enjoy running. Recently I’ve ran a half and a full marathon, raising money for a charity close to the hearts of the Bankline product owners.
Any final words for people who use Bankline?
Joining the customer panel is a great way to improve Bankline and let us know if we’ve missed anything!