
Manage your signatories: Trusts, Unincorporated Charities, Clubs, Societies and Community Organisations

How to complete the form

It should take around 20 minutes to fill out the form.

Before you begin, read through the info here to avoid common issues with updating signatories.

Things to do before submitting the form

Things to do after submitting the form

Completing the form

Complete the form below, once you’ve got everything you need.

Need assistance? Get in touch

If you need any help, start a chat with our digital assistant Cora.

Cora will gather a few details then get you to a member of the team who’ll be happy to help.

Or give us a call on:

0345 711 4477

18001 0345 711 4477 (Relay UK)

0044 870 511 4477 (from overseas)

Our advisers are available Monday - Friday 8am - 7pm and Saturday 9am - 3pm.

Anything else we can help you with?

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