
How do I qualify for Premier Banking?

How do I qualify for Premier Banking?

NatWest Premier Banking is available to all customers who are permanent UK residents and meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Earn a sole income of at least £100,000 or a joint income of £120,000 paid into their NatWest account;
  2. Minimum outstanding mortgage borrowings with us of £500,000; or
  3. Savings and investments of at least £100,000 held with us.

Discover more and find out how to join Premier Banking.(opens in a new window)

What if I no longer meet the Premier criteria?

If you no longer meet the Premier criteria, we will offer you our personal banking service, open to all customers.

You will no longer have a Premier Banking Manager, but you can use our telephony services, online and mobile banking.

Your account number and sort code, as well as any logins and passwords will remain the same.

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NatWest Premier
0333 202 3330
overseas: +44 161 933 7239
Relay UK: 18001 0333 202 3330
Open 24 hours

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