Ways to Bank

NatWest banking app

Our banking app is like having a bank in your pocket, always open and you can do lots of the things you would do in a branch or over the phone - except faster.

Stay in complete control of your money

Check your balances and move money between accounts instantly

Log in with your fingerprint or face

No need to remember your passcode, log in securely with a smile or a tap

Create new and manage existing payments

Pay other people instantly without using a card reader and view, cancel or amend standing orders and Direct Debits

Download the app

Get started with downloading the app to your device now. Start by selecting your device type.

Download the app

Get started with downloading the app to your device now.

Download the app

Get started with downloading the app to your device now.

What you can do with the app

Pay someone new

Securely send up to £750 without needing a card reader

Send money to someone or pay a bill for the first time using our app.

Get cash with no card

Withdraw money from an ATM using your app, not a debit card

Get cash even if you don't have your card to hand.

Keeping you secure

Stay secure with the latest technology

We put your security front and centre.

Add other accounts

Add other accounts into your NatWest app

See selected accounts with other participating banks in your NatWest app.

New banking app features in September

Lock your debit card

Lock your debit card instantly

Misplaced your debit card? Temporarily lock it while you look.

Order travel money

Order travel money directly from the app

Take the stress out of travelling and order your foreign currency using your banking app.

Download the app and see for yourself