Saving not your sweet spot?

Save your spare change with Round Ups

Saving could be as easy as spending

Wherever you're at in your savings journey, Round Ups could help make it easy. It can save your spare change from the everyday things you buy and put it in your savings account.


Watch our video to learn all about Round Ups in less than a minute.

Pay with your debit card or contactless device - say it's a coffee for £2.30.

We'll round up the amount to the nearest pound.

We'll send your spare change, in this instance 70p, to your savings account.

Save more when you multiply your Round Ups

Ready to really boost your savings? Now you can multiply your Round Ups and send 2, 3, 4 or 5 times as much spare change to your savings account.

You're still the boss

  • Use the app to choose how much you want to multiply your Round Ups by, or turn Round Ups off and on, whenever you want.
  • Round Ups will never take you into overdraft - we'll make sure of that.
  • See how much you've saved each week with weekly alerts sent straight to your phone. Want to see how much you've saved so far this month or your Round Ups running total for the year? It's all in 'My Round Ups' on your mobile app. There's more on keeping track of your Round Ups in our FAQs.

Here's what you need

1. A NatWest current account

2. An eligible NatWest instant access savings account

3. The NatWest Mobile App.

Our Mobile App is available to personal and business banking customers aged 11+ using compatible iOS and Android devices. You'll need a UK or international mobile number in specific countries. Account eligibility apply.

Start saving with Round Ups

Have you got our mobile app?

Your next steps

  1. Log into the app
  2. Go to the 'Round Ups' tab under your current account
  3. Tap it and follow the instructions

Download the app

  1. Open the camera on your mobile or tablet and point it at the QR code
  2. Tap the link when it pops up on your device and you'll go straight to where you can download the app


Can't scan the QR code?

It's an easy fix - here's how

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android)
  2. Search for 'NatWest Mobile Banking'
  3. Tap to download the app

Round Ups FAQs

insert alternative image

Ready, set, save

We've teamed up with Team GB legends and triathletes Alistair and Jonny Brownlee to launch Couch to Cash: the £5k challenge, to help you build smart, monthly savings habits that could get you closer to hitting your saving goals. 

They're here to help you think about your own savings ambitions and start working towards them. From setting realistic monthly targets to 'loud budgeting', making small, manageable changes could help saving feel more achievable.

Want to reach your savings goals quicker?

How to start saving

Ready to start saving and take control of your financial future? Check out our guide to discover the benefits of using a savings account, how to save regularly, and how your savings can earn you interest.

Work towards your savings goals today

Got specific financial goals but don't know where to start? We're here to help. Discover the best strategies for saving towards your goals, and get tips for staying motivated along the way. Plus, explore tools and resources that could help track your progress and achieve your savings goals faster. 

Discover our savings accounts

Stash the cash for your future with one of our many savings accounts. Whether you're saving for the long term, or for a certain goal, we could have an account for you. Specific account eligibility criteria apply.