
Money Saving Challenges

Boost your savings by completing one of these popular savings challenges

Ready to make saving not just a goal but a fun journey? We've got a variety of challenges that cater to everyone, making it easier and more enjoyable to build those healthy savings habits. Whether you're starting small or aiming big, we're here to support you every step of the way towards hitting your savings goals. 

Money Saving Challenges

Take a look at these popular different savings challenges.

calendar with one on and two coins

365 days 1p savings challenge

Start with just 1p on day one, and add another penny each day.


Day 1: 1p

Day 2: 2p

Day 3: 3p


By day 365, you'll have saved a surprising £667.95!


This challenge is a small step each day towards achieving a bigger savings goal.

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Pound coin

52 weeks £1 savings challenge

Start by saving £1 in week one.

Increase savings by £1 each week.


Week 1: £1

Week 2: £2

Week 3: £3


By week 52, you'll have saved a total of £1,378!


This approach not only helps you save a significant amount by the year's end but also creates a habit of saving regularly.

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calendar with pound signs on

12 months savings challenge

Each month, multiply the month number by £10 and add that to your savings.


Month 1: January save £10

Month 2: February save £20

Month 3: March save £30


By the end of the 12 months, you'll have saved £780!


This method gradually gets you into the habit of setting aside a larger amount as the year progresses.

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coin with a cross in centre

Increasing challenge

Start simple: pick an amount, any amount.


Then, decide how often you want to save - daily, weekly, or monthly.


Here's the fun part: increase your savings by the same amount each time. For example, save £1 on day one, then £2 on day two, and keep going.


Watch your savings grow!

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Coin with a cross in the centre

No Spend challenge

Start by trimming the fat on non-essential spending.


Whether it's those new outfits you've been eyeing or your daily coffee habit, consider putting them on pause and watch your savings balance grow.


You can test the waters with just a day, or dive deep and aim for a year. The savings potential? It's all up to you!

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calendar with one on

Cancellation challenge

Take a moment to go through your current outgoings and see if there's anything you're paying for but no longer use or need.


If you find something, like a subscription or a service, cancel it. Then, move that money  into your savings instead.


Imagine you've got a subscription that's £9.99 a month you don't need anymore. Switching the payment to go to your savings could bump your savings by £199.88 a year!

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Ready, set, save

We've teamed up with Team GB legends and triathletes Alistair and Jonny Brownlee to launch Couch to Cash: the £5k challenge, to help you build smart, monthly savings habits that could get you closer to hitting your saving goals. 

They're here to help you think about your own savings ambitions and start working towards them. From setting realistic monthly targets to 'loud budgeting', making small, manageable changes could help saving feel more achievable.


Loud Budgeting

A different type of challenge is 'loud budgeting'.

Loud Budgeting is a trend on TikTok that's all about highlighting your budget and saying it out loud. 

Simply put, loud budgeting is being honest about what you do and don’t want to spend money on.  Instead of making excuses to skip out on plans or overspending, you just say it like it is: "That's not in my budget right now."

By sharing your financial goals with your friends and family, you're more likely to stay committed and resist the urge to splurge. Give it a try and see where it takes your savings?



Saving Challenges FAQs

Tools to help you save

Round Ups

Switch on Round Ups, and we’ll send the spare change from your debit card spend to your savings account. It's saving, made simple.

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Savings Goal Tool

Our savings goal tool can help you to save towards your goal and track your progress – whatever it is you’re saving for.

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Budget calculator

Our budget calculator can help you manage your budget so that you can stay on track with your savings goal.

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