Earn tax-free interest on savings up to £20,000 each year.
Get instant access to your money for peace of mind.
Build up your tax-free savings using this year's £20,000 ISA allowance before 5th April.
Our Cash ISA is a savings account that offers tax-free interest.
Pay money in as you go and get instant access to your savings.
Save up to £20,000 each year in a Cash ISA, without having to pay tax on the interest you earn.
Our Cash ISA already helps 2.7 million people (as of April 2024) to save towards their financial goals.
Transfer ISA balances from other providers after opening your new NatWest ISA. Learn how to transfer an ISA.
Get monthly interest payments into your account.
We will soon be making changes to our Terms and Conditions, see the changes here.
If you carry on applying, it means you're happy with what's in these documents, including the FSCS information sheet. Please take some time to review, print and/or save the important information.
Ready to start saving and take control of your financial future? Check out our guide to discover the benefits of using a savings account, how to save regularly, and how your savings can earn you interest.
Got specific financial goals but don't know where to start? We're here to help. Discover the best strategies for saving towards your goals, and get tips for staying motivated along the way. Plus, explore tools and resources that could help track your progress and achieve your savings goals faster.
Stash the cash for your future with one of our many savings accounts. Whether you're saving for the long term, or for a certain goal, we could have an account for you. Specific account eligibility criteria apply.