young woman holding mobile phone

The NatWest Savings Index 2025

We surveyed 10,000 people to find out how the UK saves today

From average savings in the UK to people’s ISA knowledge, the 2025 NatWest Savings Index offers plenty of useful insights. Across different cities, ages and income groups, our research looks at the benefits of saving money – and the main ways we do it.

How much does the average person have in emergency savings? What are the average savings trends by age? Get answers to these questions and more.

Our survey was conducted between 26th November and 5th December 2024.

Key findings

key findings infographic
  • We’re saving an average of £226 a month.
  • Londoners have the highest UK savings rate, averaging £290 each month.
  • People in Belfast are the most informed about saving (62%).
  • We’re more likely to give up meals out (39%) to boost our savings.
  • We're less likely to give up holidays, leisure and toiletries when saving.

Savings trends at a glance


is the average saved per month


is the average emergency fund


of people are saving for a holiday


of people are very likely to open an ISA in the next 12 months 

Read our Savings Index in full

Take a deeper dive into our 2025 Savings Index. Our full report offers further insights into the UK’s saving habits.

How do different age groups save?

How much does the UK know about ISAs?

50% of respondents currently have a cash ISA. 25% have a stocks and shares account. 8% hold a lifetime ISA. 35% don't have any ISAs at all.

Individual savings accounts (ISAs) give people the chance to earn tax-free interest and returns. But many savers are still unsure what an ISA is and how they work. 

How income impacts savings

pink piggy bank illustration
  • 44% of people earning £60,000+ a year save more than £500 each month.
  • 24% of those earning less than £10,000 don’t have an emergency fund.

How do UK cities save?

How did different cities perform in our index?

Belfast has retained its 2024 title as the most informed and confident UK city for saving. This year, it’s closely followed by London and Coventry.


To get our index, we looked at average annual savings as a percentage of income in each city we surveyed. We also researched saving habits by city – taking an average percentage of how people responded to these questions:


  • How often do you put money into savings?
  • How important or unimportant do you think saving money is for your financial goals?
  • How would you rate your understanding of the different ways to save money?
  • Do you set a budget for yourself?
  • Do you have a monthly or yearly savings goal?


Want to know how your nearest city performed? Use the dropdown below - the higher the score, the more informed and confident the savers who live there are.

How do different regions compare?

  • Londoners save the most on average each month (£290).
  • People in the East of England have the highest average emergency fund (£5,054).
  • Just 26% of people in Wales are willing to give up clothing or fashion purchases to increase their savings. This jumps to 38% in Northern Ireland.
  • Only 35% of those in Wales would give up meals out to boost their savings, compared to 50% in Northern Ireland.
  • 19% of Londoners are saving for a home deposit – compared to a national average of 13%.


What kind of saver are you?

how we save infographic

As our 2025 Savings Index shows, we all save in different ways. We asked our survey respondents to describe their approach, with focused, careful and disciplined savers coming out on top.