Fraud guide

Online shopping scams

Realising you've been scammed will leave you gutted. Here's how to avoid it.

Scams are on the rise

Online shopping scams are on the rise, with criminals often tricking victims on social media or online auction sites.

Some £57 million was lost to online shopping scams, the most common scam in 2020, mostly from personal accounts.

Read our tips to stay ahead of the game.

Data source: UK Finance annual fraud report 2021.

What you can do

Do your research

If you spot a heavily discounted product, be on your guard.  Check the seller's contact details on the website.  If there's no phone number or address, it may not be genuine.

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Be website savvy

Make sure the web address in your browser begins with https://. The 's' stands for 'secure'.  And watch out for spelling mistakes or strange characters in the web address. This can mean the site is fake.

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Use a safe payment

If a seller tells you they can't accept a card payment and asks you to send them money directly, don't do it. Pay with your debit or credit card. Criminals often try to convince you to transfer your money to a bank account.

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Shop safely

The criminals behind online shopping scams are expert copycats, so products at 'unbelievably low prices' and even websites can look like the real thing.

And they are coming up with more sophisticated ways to get you to part with your money.

Think you have been caught out?

It can happen to anyone, and it's better to be safe than sorry. We're here to help, whether you see a transaction you don't recognise, or accidently gave personal details to someone you don't trust.

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Security centre

Our hub for all things fraud and scam related. Find out the latest trends

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