Managing your money

Understanding your overdraft debt

How much does your overdraft cost?

First things first, let's work out how much your overdraft is costing you. Use our overdraft calculator to get a breakdown of costs, including interest and any fees that may apply.

How you could pay off your overdraft

Check out our top tips to help you reduce your overdraft debt and get back in the black.

  1. 01

    Create a budget

    Budgeting is key to reducing your spending and can help you pay off your overdraft faster.

    Use our budget calculator to help understand your total spending vs. total income.

  2. 02

    Use your savings

    If you have savings, this could be easiest way to pay off your overdraft debt. Having overdraft debt and savings may not make sense as you may be spending more on overdraft interest and fees than you accrue on any savings.

    Use our overdraft calculator to work out how much your overdraft is costing you each month.

  3. 03

    Talk to your bank

    If you know your finances won’t, or are unlikely to improve, we have a number of options available to support you. 

    You can find more helpful information and ways to get in touch on our Struggling financially page.

Change your existing overdraft

If you’ve got an arranged overdraft limit on your NatWest account that you feel is too low or too high, we’ll show you how to increase, reduce or remove your overdraft limit. 

Frequently asked questions

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