My eldest was five when he asked for his very first birthday party. He’d started school in September and, by the beginning of January, he’d made enough friends to want a party – I was thrilled!

Say no to party bags
Okay, bear with me because this one won’t win you any popularity points. But, despite kids adamantly declaring their love for them, party bags are no more than overpriced bags of plastic tat that are ‘tidied’ into the bin before you’ve finished singing Happy Birthday.
This year, I did a pick ‘n’ mix station instead. I found a sweet-shop play set that had different containers with flaps you could lift up, little scoops and striped paper bags for them to shovel the sweets into, all for a fraction of the cost of party bags. And the kids loved it. They got to play – and eat the end result. Win-win.
If you’re into baking, you could try making the kids their own personalised biscuits. Or a bulk order of books is a great way to give each child a cheap, but educational gift.

Make it personal
As parents, we’re always keen to make everything special and magical for our children. And sometimes we can get carried away with trying to buy that. But, in reality, children don’t remember how much we spent on presents or decorations. They remember how they felt, how much fun they had and the friends and family that celebrated with them.
One of the lasting memories from my own childhood is the cakes my parents used to make me every year. Whether or not that Care Bear cake looked like a Care Bear really doesn’t matter, all I remember is how it made me feel.
So, bake them a cake or make them a present. Write them a poem or create a photo book. Paint them a picture or sing them a song. These are the things that will truly make your child feel special on their birthday – and they’re completely free.
And there are so many other money-saving ideas you can try as well:
Choose an early morning or post-lunch party time so guests don’t need a full meal.
Consider having a joint birthday party – twice the fun and half the cost.
For younger children, replace a more expensive venue-based party with a picnic or playground play-date with a few friends.
Use digital invitations.
Raid pound shops for cheap treats and colourful decorations.
Swap an entertainer or bouncy castle for a DIY craft table or nail painting – make sure you rope in a clued-up adult to guide the kids and keep them engaged for longer.
Don’t bother with a professionally made cake – you can get amazing celebration cakes from supermarkets for around a tenner, or have a go at making your own.
Go retro with activities like musical chairs, charades, Simon Says or musical statues – fun and free!
Enlist a team. If you’ve got kids, you’re sure to have parent friends with all sorts of stuff lurking in cupboards. Don’t be shy to ask for help and see what you can borrow – as long as you remember to do the same for them.
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