
Consent to Let

Temporarily rent out your home

Do you intend to let out your property for less than 90 days in a rolling 12-month period ?

If you meet the below conditions, you won’t need to get prior permission from us.

  • You agree the occupation under license and not using a tenancy agreement.
  • The property isn’t occupied by someone other than you for longer than 90 days in any rolling 12-month period.
  • You notify your insurer of the letting and obtain the insures consent. Your buildings insurance is not invalidated and stays in force at all times.
  • You’re not breaching any requirements or regulations of local or other relevant authorities.
  • You’re not breaching any requirements from special schemes (for example, Help to Buy or shared ownership), you might need to get permission from your scheme provider first. You might also need consent from any second charge lenders.
  • If the property is leasehold, the conditions in the lease must be met before Short Term Let agreement starts and the customer must have permission from the freeholder.
  • It is your responsibility to disclose any taxable income generated from Short Term Let to HMRC.
  • If you have a Buy to Let property, you may only use Short Term Lets to cover rental void periods.

If you want to let out your home but don’t meet the above conditions, please follow our Consent to Let process.

Things to know


  • A Consent to Let has an initial fee of £120. There is an additional annual fee of £120 to maintain Consent to Let on your mortgage.


However, you don't have to pay a fee if:

  • You’re a member of the British Armed Forces.
  • You’re living in tied accommodation as part of your employment.
  • You’re working abroad for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office.

Letting the property

  • The property must be rented using an acceptable tenancy agreement, such as an assured shorthold tenancy.
  • Only one tenancy agreement can be used for one property.
  • You must also notify your building and contents insurer as this may alter the cover.

How to apply

Start your application through Manage your Mortgage.

Click the 'Your services’ menu and select the ‘Consent to Let’ option:

  1. Please complete, print, and return the ‘Acceptance of Letting Conditions’ form found through the online portal. Make sure all the mortgage account holders sign the document.
  2. Pay the initial £120 Consent to Let fee when you start the application.
  3. Return your completed form to:                                          

            National Westminster Bank PLC 

            Mortgage Centre

            PO Box 123   


            PA15 1EF

Once you've submitted your Consent to Let request, we'll be in touch within two weeks.

Get in touch

Call us


0345 302 0190

Relay UK:

18001 0345 302 0190

Lines are open:

8am - 6pm (Mon - Fri)

Except bank holidays.

9am - 4pm (Sat)

Closed (Sun)