
What is 'Manage my card'?

What is 'Manage my card'?

Manage my card allows you to lock and unlock your MasterCard credit card via our mobile banking app when you have misplaced your card, but don't think you've lost it completely. You can also set up a travel plan to your MasterCard via the mobile app before you go away on holiday. If you don't currently have the app, you can download it here.(opens in a new window)

If I lock my card and then realise my card is lost or stolen, what do I do?

You will need to contact the Credit Cards Customer Service team on 0345 300 3694 in the UK or +44 1268 500 813 from overseas.

If I am a secondary card holder, will I be able to lock/unlock my card?

Only the primary card holder will be able to add this feature, however the secondary cardholders card will be subject to the same controls.

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