I am unable to log in to Online Banking, what should I do?
Please check our Service Status page (opens in a new window) for any known service issues.
There are a number of scenarios that may prevent you from logging in to Online Banking, here are some of the most common with suggested solutions.
'Customer Number, PIN or password has been entered incorrectly'
If you can't remember your login details, you will need to re-register for Online Banking (opens in a new window) in order to regain access to the service. Please follow these instructions, even if you believe you have entered the correct details, sometimes occasional mistakes can occur.
Unable to enter your customer number
If you're using the numbers on the right-hand side of your keyboard to enter your customer number, make sure your number lock key is on. If you find you have run out of space to enter your customer number make sure you have entered your date of birth in the ddmmyy format not ddmmyyyy.
System asked for a character that isn't within your password
For example it's asked for the 9th character when your password only has 8 characters. Remember that your password must contain both letters and numbers, you may have added a number to the end of your password to meet our password criteria. Another common cause for this issue is entering your customer number incorrectly.
Using an out of date or unsupported browser.
Please ensure you are using an up to date and fully supported browser to use Online Banking. Make sure you have cleared temporary internet files and cookies and your browser has extensions and add-ons disabled. If needed, also try restarting your device and router, and try a wired connection.
Unable to reach our secure website
Close your browser and re-open it, then use the following web address to go directly to our secure site onlinebanking.natwest.com (opens in a new window)
Still experiencing issues?
Should you still need help logging in to Online Banking please look at 'Need help accessing Online Banking'.
If you continue to experience problems logging in then please chat to Cora, your digital assistant.
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