Mail Order Purchases
When you complete a form for example in a catalogue and you mail the form in the post with your details on it.
Telephone Purchases
When you are purchasing goods or services over the phone and providing your debit card details to make your payment.
Is a type of e-commerce payment whereby your debit card is linked to your Paypal account.
In app purchases
When you have set up your debit card details in an app and they are then used by the app on your device to make a payment.
Subscription Payments
Is when you use your debit card to set up any regular subscription payment. The merchant may do a one-off check on the debit card there and then, and then the regular payments will occur.
Customer Tokens
Some online merchants, for security reasons, create tokens from your debit card details instead of retaining your full debit card details. The merchant validates the customer's card details when generating a token and initiates a £0.00 transaction. These transactions will be blocked by an e-commerce control set On and the customer will receive a notification on this decline.
One Time Passwords
For on-line payments One Time Passwords will continue to be requested to be actioned by the customer, it is only after this point that the control will step in and make the decline.