
How do I amend a payee reference?

How do I amend a payee reference?

You can amend payee references on Online Banking and the Mobile app. For help on how to amend a payee, follow one of the below options

You may need a card reader or mobile phone, if registered for biometrics, to amend your payee reference, so it's best to keep either handy.


Online Banking

  1. Log in to your Online Banking service at onlinebanking.natwest.com (opens in a new window)
  2. Select 'Payments and transfers' from the main menu, then on the payments and transfers landing page choose the account you want to make a payment from and select 'Pay one of your saved payees'
  3. Follow the instructions on screen and change the reference at the same time when making the payment

The payee reference contains the reference information provided when the payee was created. Any changes you make to the payee reference will not be reflected in any scheduled payments.


Mobile app

You can amend a reference on a payee when making a payment to them by tapping on 'Payments' at the bottom of the home screen and following one of the below options


Favourite payees

  1. Make sure the account displayed is set to the account which you want to make the payment from. You can swipe to change accounts or tap 'Change account'
  2. Swipe the ‘Favourite payee’ carousel below your account and tap the payee you want to send money to
  3. Tap 'Send Money', the payee details and reference will be pre-filled with the option to amend the payee reference if required


Make a payment

  1. Make sure the account displayed is set to the account where you want to make the payment from. You can swipe to change accounts or tap 'Change account'
  2. Tap ‘Send Money’
  3. Tap ‘Make a payment’
  4. Tap the payee you want to pay and follow the instructions on screen


Customers can choose to amend the payee reference (you will be limited to mobile app limit if you have not registered for face biometrics)

To ensure your money is safe, we will sometimes ask you to authorise a payment:

If you have registered for face or voice biometrics, we will ask you to use one of these to authorise a new payment. Mobile payment limits apply

If you haven’t registered for face or voice biometrics you can:

Use Face ID/Touch ID on iOS, fingerprint on Android or your app passcode up to the mobile app daily limit.

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