
How do I change the bank details of an international payee when banking online?

How do I change the bank details of an international payee when banking online?

If you need to change the foreign bank details of a payee to make an international payment you will need to delete the existing payee and set them up again with the new account details.

To delete an International Beneficiary:

  1. Log in to your Online Banking service at www.onlinebanking.natwest.com (opens in a new window)
  2. Select ‘Payments & transfers’ from the main menu
  3. From the ‘International payments’ section select ‘Manage beneficiaries’
  4. Select the appropriate payee from your Beneficiary list of Scheduled Payments, and then 'Delete beneficiary'
  5. If you are happy to delete the beneficiary, select 'Confirm'

To set up the payee again with their new bank details and to make a payment to them:

  1. Select 'Payments & transfers' from the main menu
  2. Under the 'International payments' section select 'Make a Payment'
  3. Select 'Get a quote for paying someone new then select 'Next'
  4. The next screen will ask you some questions to provide you with a quote in pounds and pence. The quote will have converted the amount you want to pay into local currency and will include the relevant fees
  5. Select 'Next'
  6. Enter the new details of your payee in the 'Beneficiary details' section and then 'Next'
  7. Carefully check that the payment details are correct and then 'Next'

Please note: You'll need a card-reader and a card you can use with that reader to complete this process.

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