
How do I cancel a cheque?

How do I cancel a cheque?

Personal current accounts

To cancel a cheque, you will need to contact us ensuring you have the relevant cheque details to hand (account details, cheque number and amount).

Have you met Cora, your digital assistant?
Cora can help you with a wide range of queries, including this one.

If you use our Mobile Banking App, you can also cancel your cheque book and order another on the go, by using our "Chat to Cora" feature. Simply select 'Help' when logged into the Mobile Banking App, and then tap "Chat to Cora" to get in touch.

Business current accounts

If you have access to Online Banking or the mobile app

The quickest way to can cancel a cheque is with Cora, our digital assistant. To cancel a cheque, log in to Online Banking via www.onlinebanking.natwest.com/login (opens in a new window), click 'Need help', then 'Chat now' or when on the mobile app, click 'Help', then "Chat to Cora" and ask Cora to 'stop a cheque'.

Cora will ask for the cheque details and place the stop on it for you, without any need to speak to an adviser.

Please note: Requests received on a weekend or bank holiday will be processed the next working day.

If you don't have access to Online Banking or the mobile app

To cancel a cheque, you will need to chat with us. You can do this by visiting one of our business pages(opens in a new window), clicking 'Chat now' and asking us to 'stop a cheque'.

We will ask for the cheque details and place the stop on it for you.

Please note: Requests received on a weekend or bank holiday will be processed the next working day.

For more help managing your account, please visit our Managing Your Accounts Hub(opens in a new window).

Learn more about registering for Online Banking at set up Online Banking.